The importance of data backup and recovery

Data backup and recovery capabilities have never been more important. In times when cyberattacks and environmental disasters are as dangerous as system disruptions and failures, backup and recovery capabilities are imperative. The shift to digital solutions in many areas of life highlights the importance of data backup.

Data volumes are constantly growing. In the age of the „Internet of Things“, we are constantly generating data at every turn. Due to a multitude of system requirements, end device types and systems as such, digitalization also puts data protection infrastructures to the test. With the change in data usage, a change in data protection is also necessary. In order to meet the growing challenges, data protection infrastructures and the associated processes must be adapted.


Security? Yes. Danger? No, thanks.

Threats lurk around almost every corner - even digitally. While digitalization is gaining more and more space in our everyday lives, not only is the importance of aggregated data growing, but so is the importance of its security. Especially in companies and institutions, the importance of data stocks is growing more and more. However, data loss is not inevitable.

Not only harmful attacks or external circumstances can lead to data loss. Malfunctions, system fluctuations or failures also pose a great danger to relevant data. That’s why it is even more important to back up data reliably and to be able to restore it quickly in the event of damage. Only in this way can operations be resumed as quickly as possible.

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