Competence Network

In the context of digitization, the importance of data backup and the ability to recover data quickly is constantly increasing. Data backup therefore represents an indispensable basic service for universities, affecting science and research as well as administration, teaching and general university operations.

The aim of this DH.NRW project is first of all to develop together - as a consortium consisting of 29 universities - a joint cross-university operating concept for the basic service The developed concept will be applied when the original software solution is converted to a new, consortially procured solution.

This will enable the participating universities to further advance digitalization by providing scalable services to ensure data persistence and availability. On the pillars of the uniform software and the cooperation among the NRW universities, the state-wide service is being created - by and for NRW universities.


The consortium

The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia is home to 42 state universities (universities, technical universities, universities of applied sciences, and colleges of art and music). A total of 29 of these universities are represented in the DH.NRW project Together, they are developing the operating concept for a state-wide data backup infrastructure.

The development of the data backup infrastructure is an essential part of the consortial work. While the operating concept is compiled on a division of labor with the assistance of data protection experts, the jointly procured software solution forms a supporting pillar in order to meet the diverse requirements for data protection.

The data backup infrastructure is supplemented by the establishment of dedicated data backup centers, which are equipped with the corresponding modern and powerful hardware. In this way, a scalable service is achieved that enables reliable data backup at NRW universities - and beyond the university's own borders.

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